Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This is the kind of morning that puts me in a good mood.  The only thing that could improve it would be some rain, but since it's my day off I'll do my best to make this work.

I am happy to finally begin this blog.  I've blogged before but have failed to keep it a priority.  I designed this one on January first with a hell road of good intentions but when I sit down to do something with it I just stare blankly at the screen.  On my commute to work I have a million ideas.  While at work I have a trillion more, but none of them survive the commute home.

Its not just with the blog either.  The deletion of desire that happens on my commute home is indicative of my entire life.  There are things I like to think about but when I have the time I hardly ever, if ever, put them into practice.  It reminds me of my grandmother's sewing table.  She used an old kitchen table and it was so full of projects you could hardly find the machine.  Like her I have things I want to do.  Things I like doing, yet the liking and the doing hardly ever meet.

Today I am going to do something I enjoy doing.  That'll give me something to think about tomorrow.